Shame On You!

Shame on the people criticizing this lady for looking great after giving birth!
            Apparently, Norwegian Fitness Blogger, Caroline Berg Eriksen, was widely criticized for posting a picture of herself in her underwear 4-days after her pregnancy on Instagram©. (See: ) Why was she criticized? Because people were angry that she looked good. That’s a little ridiculous to me.
            She just gave birth. Her posting this image does not promote women losing excess weight gained during pregnancy immediately after giving birth… that would be impossible. Her picture promotes fitness before you get pregnant, maintaining fitness during your pregnancy and continuing to maintain fitness after giving birth -- as it should be. Caroline Berg Erikson was even quoted saying that she did not exercise in those four days after giving birth. She gained a healthy amount of weight during her pregnancy and went back to a healthy weight after giving birth. What Caroline Berg Eriksen did is what women should strive for.
That being said, there’s nothing wrong with not reaching a fitness level where one looks like an athlete or a model, but at least strive to be healthy. Judging from Caroline’s muscle tone, she was exercising, not starving herself. I do not understand why people find it so acceptable to be upset over someone taking care of herself. 
            In today’s world, people are increasingly sedentary and generally take pride in maintaining unhealthy habits. Our bodies are meant to be active. An active body has muscle tone. It is very simple. If you have a desk job and do not exercise every day… well that stinks. But do not be bothered that other people are choosing healthier lifestyles. A lifestyle is after all a choice.
            Lastly, I want to applaud Caroline Berg Eriksen on maintaining her fitness and then showing it off. Maintaining her figure during pregnancy is quite a feat. She has a right to brag.


Unknown said…
I completely agree with you here. People focus so much on "making everyone feel comfortable in their own skin" that anyone who shares their own fitness/health journey is flagged as being insensitive.
Sheena Pradhan said…
Thanks for the response Jason! Very well said.

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