Fruit and Yogurt Parfait

I made this recipe for a snack while I was staying at a hostel in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was easy to make with its few ingredients and to carry to my hostel room with me. It was made with goat yogurt (which I was excited to find at an organic food store in Kensington Market), strawberries, peaches and sunflower seeds--a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals, protein, healthy fats and fiber!

6 oz plain goat yogurt, extra to top
1 medium peach, diced
1/2 cup strawberries, quartered
¼ cup unsalted and shelled sunflower seeds, extra for sprinkling

1. Place a few tablespoons of yogurt at the bottom of a mason jar.
2. Add a layer of peach pieces, followed by a layer of strawberry pieces, and top with yogurt. Sprinkly a layer of sunflower seeds on top of each layer of yogurt.
3. Continue until the ingredients run out.
4. Top with extra sunflower seeds and yogurt and enjoy!


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